Our approach to supply chain management

Here’s how we work with our suppliers.

Working together

Our suppliers help us work towards building great outcomes for our customers.

Supplier diversity

In 2024, we spent $16.8 million with diverse suppliers.

Working with our suppliers

For more than 160 years, we’ve been helping our customers with their money. However, we don’t do this on our own. We partner with suppliers to provide the best solutions. We have an extensive range of suppliers who work with us to deliver high quality products and services.

Our suppliers must meet our business requirements and be appropriately screened to ensure their arrangements and their supply pose minimal or no risk to our customers or us.

We encourage our suppliers to continuously improve their products and standard of service, to enhance our customer experiences and outcomes.

We monitor our supply arrangements to ensure our standards are being met, including in contract performance, service delivery, risk management and communication. 

Sustainability of our supply chain

The conduct and performance of our suppliers can have a significant impact on our sustainability as a business, as well as our reputation in the communities where we operate.

We're focused on making sure the practices of all the businesses within our Group are fair, responsible and sensitive to the needs of our stakeholders.

We encourage all our suppliers to become signatories to NAB Group’s Supplier Sustainability Principles (PDF, 8MB), opens in new window which specify the sustainability requirements for suppliers providing goods and services to our businesses.

We have risk management processes to identify, assess, mitigate and monitor potential risk areas where we could be exposed to human rights concerns, including modern slavery. You can read more in our Modern Slavery Statement.

Further information on our sustainability progress and how our suppliers are helping us deliver on our ambitions can be found in our annual reporting suite.

Supplier diversity

Including diverse suppliers (businesses owned by women, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, and social enterprises) in our supply chain helps increase their exposure to corporate sourcing, while creating employment and training opportunities, sustainable growth and social and financial inclusion.

Read more about our supplier diversity program in our NAB's 2024-2027 RAP (PDF, 9MB).

Small business payment terms

In 2017, we became a signatory to the Australian Supplier Payment Code developed by the Business Council of Australia. This provides small business suppliers with standard payment term of 30 days from receipt of a valid tax invoice. We intend to pay within 20 days to support our small business customers. If you’re a small business and have any queries about this, please email supplieronboardingandsupport@nab.com.au.

Engaging with suppliers (SAP Ariba)

We’ve partnered with SAP Ariba, a global leader in procurement solutions, to help streamline the way we work with our suppliers. We’ll be using SAP Ariba for sourcing goods and services, contract management and payments. If you’re not already on our SAP Ariba system, we’ll invite you to register. You can read more in our supplier registration packs:

NAB Australia Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 1) (PDF, 924KB), opens in new window

NAB Australia Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 2) (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window

NAB Australia Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 3) (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window

NAB Australia PO and Invoice Guide (PDF, 2MB), opens in new window


NAB Vietnam Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 1) (PDF, 937KB), opens in new window

NAB Vietnam Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 2) (PDF, 2MB), opens in new window

NAB Vietnam Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 3) (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window

NAB Vietnam PO and Invoice Guide (PDF, 2MB), opens in new window


NAB India Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 1) (PDF, 969KB), opens in new window

NAB India Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 2) (PDF, 2MB), opens in new window

NAB India Supplier Onboarding Guide (Step 3) (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window

NAB India PO and Invoice Guide (PDF, 3MB), opens in new window

More information

You can also email our team at supplieronboardingandsupport@nab.com.au.

Explore sustainability at NAB

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