About the program

The National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program is managed by Deutsche Bank. It's a Level 1 sponsored program that operates on the OTC Pink trading platform.

NAB's ADR trading particulars are:

DR Symbol: NABZY

CUSIP: 632525408

DR Exchange: OTC

Ratio (ORD:ADR): 1:2

Contact details for NAB ADR holders:

Deutsche Bank Shareholder Services 

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Peck Slip Station
P.O. Box 2050
New York NY 10272-2050

Email: DB@amstock.com

Toll-free number: +1 866 706 0509

Direct Dial: +1 718 921 8137

Contact details for ADR brokers and institutional investors:

Email: adr@db.com

US number: +1 212 250 9100

UK number: +44 207 547 6500

Important information