Guidelines for decision making

The NAB Group's corporate governance framework plays a key role in supporting our business operations. It provides clear guidance on how authority is exercised within the group.

As a fundamental element of our culture and business practices, our corporate governance framework provides guidance for effective decision making in all areas of the Group through:

  • strategic and operational planning
  • risk management and compliance
  • financial management and external reporting
  • succession planning and culture
  • managing customer experiences and outcomes.

2024 Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G

Our corporate governance practices play an essential role in supporting the Group’s operation. We do this through sound governance practices, clear accountability and prudent risk management practices, including providing clear guidance on how authority is exercised and adequate oversight to support sound decisions in all areas of the Group. 

Our approach to corporate governance is disclosed in the Corporate Governance Statement chapter of the 2024 Annual Report (PDF, 7MB).

We have followed the fourth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX 4th edition) for the reporting period ended 30 September 2024. Our compliance with the ASX 4th edition is shown in our 2024 Appendix 4G (PDF, 367KB).

You can view some key documents and policies which form part of our corporate governance framework and highlight the Group's significant commitment to corporate governance.


Other Corporate Governance matters

Risk @ NAB

Continuous Disclosure Stakeholder Communications

NAB’s Continuous Disclosure Policy is made available under Policies.


Board Charter

The Group is governed by the Board of Directors. Information on the authority, responsibilities, membership and operation of the Board is set out in the Board Charter (PDF, 230KB), opens in new window.

Board Composition, Renewal & Performance Policy

The Board Composition, Renewal & Performance Policy (PDF, 258KB), opens in new window sets standards for the appointment, independence, renewal, performance evaluation and tenure of Directors on the Board of National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) to ensure the Board can effectively discharge its responsibilities. 

Board Committees

To assist in carrying out its responsibilities, the Board has established standing Board committees that cover each of Audit, Remuneration, Risk, Customer and Nomination and Governance matters. Other committees are created, with specific remits, as and when required.

Board committees and their respective charters (which include information on the responsibilities of each committee) are set out below. Information related to the operational procedures of board committees (including information on composition, reporting requirements, effectiveness evaluations and the role of Committee Chairs) is included in the Board Committee Operating Rules, which can be accessed below.

Continuous disclosure

We aim to be open and transparent with all stakeholders and we are committed to disseminating information to stakeholders in a fair, timely, clear and objective manner.

 The Group has adopted a disclosure policy that is designed to:

  • ensure we comply with our legal and regulatory obligations; and
  • promote investor confidence by ensuring that trade in our securities takes place in an informed market.

We will immediately notify the market on becoming aware of any information related to our businesses which a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of our securities. We do this by announcing such information to the relevant stock exchanges on which our securities are listed.

In certain limited circumstances, the applicable listing rules permit the Group not to disclose such market sensitive information. Our policy also provides that, in general, the Group will not respond to market speculation or rumours unless required to do so by law or the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Where appropriate, we may request a trading halt from the ASX to prevent trading in the Group's securities by an inefficient and uninformed market.

NAB’s Disclosure Committee, comprised of senior executives, has primary responsibility regarding NAB’s disclosure obligations. The Group Executive, Legal & Commercial Services (or applicable delegate) is responsible for all communications with the relevant stock exchanges on which the securities of the Group are listed. All releases to the ASX and other relevant stock exchanges are made available on our website.

For more information see the Group Disclosure & External Communication Policy (PDF, 211KB), opens in new window.

Inclusion and diversity

Inclusion and diversity (I&D) improve outcomes for customers, colleagues, and the community. When colleagues feel appreciated and empowered to contribute performance, innovation and risk management outcomes improve.

The Board has endorsed a five-year strategy framework for 2022-2026 with a key focus on inclusion to support the intersectional identities of our colleagues and customers. The three pillars of the I&D Strategy Framework are:

  1. Inclusive leadership: Leaders are visible in their work towards inclusion and actively build diversity in teams. They role model How We Work in their everyday actions and ensure systems are inclusive and accessible to all.
  2. Inclusive workplace: A culture which actively promotes and leverages team diversity, flexibility, and wellbeing. An environment where all colleagues feel they can contribute to their full potential.
  3. Customer inclusion: Colleagues who take pride in understanding the needs of customers by ensuring they can access information, services, and products with ease.

Group inclusion and diversity policy

NAB's I&D Policy (PDF, 213KB), opens in new window includes a requirement for the Board to set measurable objectives for achieving inclusion and diversity which, together with progress on the framework, is assessed and reported on at least annually.

2022 to 2025 I&D measurable objectives

NAB has explicit measurable objectives for gender representation, gender pay gap and workplace inclusion. Specific targets have been set to be achieved by 2025, which include reaching 40-60% gender representation at every level of the business and closing the inclusion gap for those from historically under-represented groups. These objectives represent our current aspirations, with new objectives to be set next year to better reflect our uplifted I&D maturity.

In 2024, progress was made on our 2025 I&D measurable objectives (see Table 2 for more). This includes:

  • Improved gender representation, with gender balance achieved for Executive Leadership Team, Board and Subsidiary Boards. Progress has also been made at Group 5 (now 39% women), however, Group 4 has remained stable year-on-year (39%) and Group 6 has decreased by 2% in 2024 (to 35% women). Significant increases in representation of women at Groups 4, 5 and 6 will be needed in 2025, in order to meet targets at all levels. We are committed to equitable hiring, promotion, and succession processes, focused on the development of future talent.
  • A reduction in the average gender pay gap to 15.1%, down from 15.8%1 in 2023. This was driven by an increase in representation of women in middle to senior leadership roles. Driving greater representation of women in leadership roles across all areas of the bank is one of the most sustainable ways to reduce the gender pay gap, and a key priority for NAB. NABs WGEA gender pay gap report can be accessed on our Gender equity page.
  • An increase in inclusion scores for all historically under-represented groups. However, there is more work to be done to reduce the gap between the experience of these colleagues and other colleagues.

1The pay gap analysis indicates the mean gender pay gap within NAB’s Australian-based workforce, the reporting period for each year reflects 1 October to 30 September of the previous year (e.g. 2024 reflects the period 1 Oct 2022 to 30 Sept 2023). The gender pay gap is calculated by dividing the mean female base salary by the mean male base salary per employment level. It does not separately measure the gender pay gap in equivalent roles.

Analysis included permanent (including CEO salary from 2024 as per WGEA reporting requirements), fixed term, and casual colleagues and excludes contractors. Figures shown are published by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

Progress against NAB’s 2022 to 2025 I&D measurable objectives

1. Diverse leadership teams and talent pipelines:

  • 40-60% gender representation at every level of the business1
  • 40-60% gender representation on NAB Group Board (non-executive directors) 
  • 40-60% gender representation on NAB subsidiary boards





2025 Target

NAB Board (non-executive directors)







2025 Target


NAB Group Subsidiary Boards







2025 Target


Executive Management (Salary level 7)







2025 Target


Executive Management (Salary level 6)







2025 Target


Senior Management (Salary level 5)







2025 Target


Management (Salary level 4)







2025 Target


Non-management (Salary level 3)







2025 Target


Non-management (Salary level 2)







2025 Target


Non-management (Salary level 1)







2025 Target


Total organisation







2025 Target


1 Based on the percentage of women in each salary level, calculated using population of permanent full-time and part-time employees.

2. Fair remuneration – seek to reward people fairly and support our objective of gender pay equity <10% by 2025

  2022 2023 2024 2025 target
Gender pay gap1
2025 target

1 The pay gap analysis indicates the mean gender pay gap within NAB’s Australian-based workforce, the reporting period for each year reflects 1 October to 30 September of the previous year (e.g. 2024 reflects the period 1 Oct 2022 to 30 Sept 2023). The gender pay gap is calculated by dividing the mean female base salary by the mean male base salary per employment level. It does not separately measure the gender pay gap in equivalent roles. 

Analysis included permanent (including CEO salary from 2024 as per WGEA reporting requirements), fixed term, and casual colleagues and excludes contractors. Figures shown are published by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

3. Inclusive workforce culture1,2

  2022 2023 2024 2025 target

Women (Difference vs men)3


-1 (81 vs 82)


-3 (79 vs 82)

-2 (81 vs 83)
2025 target


People with disability and/or neurodivergence (Difference vs people without disability and/or neurodivergence)4


-5 (78 vs 83)


-6 (77 vs 83)

-4 (80 vs 84)
2025 target


Ethnic minority (Difference vs non-ethnic minority)5


0 (83 vs 83)


0 (83 vs 83)

-1 (84 vs 85)
2025 target


LGBTQIA+ (Difference vs non-LGBTQIA+)6


-2 (81 vs 83)


-2 (80 vs 82)

-3 (81 vs 84)
2025 target


Carers (Difference vs non-carers)7


-1 (82 vs 83)


-2 (81 vs 83)

-1 (83 vs 84)
2025 target


1 The inclusive workforce culture scores are based off responses to NAB's Heartbeat survey conducted in July 2024 (2024 score), July 2023 (2023 score) and August 2022 (2022 score). The methodology was revised in 2022 to measure the differences on an inclusion score, based on a combined response to three questions: 1. 'I feel comfortable being myself at work'. 2. 'I am treated with respect and dignity' and 3. 'Regardless of background, everyone at our company has an equal opportunity to succeed'. The table represents the scores for specific historically under-represented groups, with comparisons to the related majority group within the workforce.

2 Employment Groups included in Heartbeat are: Permanent, fixed-term or casual colleagues as well as contractors and agency temps across all divisions in Australia and our international locations. Employment Groups excluded from Heartbeat are: External consultants and outsource providers. ubank did not participate in the demographic section of Heartbeat survey in 2024 nor 2023, therefore no ubank data is included in the inclusion scores that are reported for 2024 nor 2023. ubank data is included in 2022 and 2021 inclusion scores.

3 Inclusion score is calculated using responses to questions in the Heartbeat survey, with gender of respondents based on how this is recorded in SAP/Workday.

4 Categories were expanded in 2024 Heartbeat survey to include neurodivergence in disability status question. People with a disability and/or neurodivergence are respondents who answered one of: I have disability; I am neurodivergent; I have disability and am neurodivergent.

5 The methodology used in defining ethnic minority in 2023 and 2024 takes into account NAB’s growing international colleague base. 2023 and 2024 ethnic minority and non-ethnic minority calculations only include colleagues from Australia, NZ, UK, and US. The ethnic minority group is comprised of individuals whose ethnicity is considered to be an ethnic minority in those included regions. Colleagues based in other regions have not been included in the calculation in 2023 or 2024, as identification of ethnic minority would be different in those regions.

6 Categories were expanded in 2022 to include asexual, homosexual, pansexual and non-binary or other genders. Other categories include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, agender, bigender, another gender, intersex, and different identity.

7 Colleagues who selected they spend time providing unpaid care, help, or assistance to family members or others with a disability (including children, adults, or older adults).

  • In 2024, we have continued to empower and encourage leaders to lead inclusively. In line with the Inclusion and Diversity framework, we have:

    • Delivered inclusive leadership education to uplift and embed inclusive behaviours across the business.
    • Maintained key performance indicators for I&D in the ELT’s performance plans, which are linked to remuneration.
    • Developed and delivered on divisional I&D plans owned by Group Executives, which include targeted actions and emphasise the leader-led approach to inclusion and diversity.

    The ELT has direct accountability for the execution of the Inclusion and Diversity framework. All leaders at NAB have I&D goals included in their annual performance plan. The Board and the ELT's ambition is for a workforce that is reflective of the broader community and a reputation that attracts and retains the best diverse talent.

  • We take an active approach to building an inclusive and diverse workplace, where differences are celebrated, and contributions are valued. Notable activities which have supported colleague inclusion in 2024 include:

    • Gold sponsorship of Women in Banking and Finance, and numerous events focused on gender equity including the International Women’s Day Great Debate.
    • First Nations representation and inclusion as outlined in NAB’s Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF, 9MB), opens in new window. Further information about 2024 activity is outlined below.
    • Maintained platinum status for the Australian Workplace Equality Index, the definitive national benchmark on LGBTQ workplace inclusion. We support the LGBTQIA+ community through partnerships with Out Leadership, the Pride Cup, and our Principal Partnership of the Midsumma Festival in Melbourne.
    • Delivery of our two-year Accessibility Action plan including achieving Disability Confident Recruiter status with the Australian Disability Network.
    • An uplift in leader capability to lead those with disability as well as a focus on self-identification for those with disability, and those who are neurodivergent.
    • Providing support to carers including 16 weeks parental leave for all carers, pregnancy loss leave, and carers leave. The number of men taking parental leave has significantly increased in 2024 to 301, up from 111 in 2023. Men now comprise 26% of all colleagues taking parental leave. The return-to-work rate1 across all genders and all Australia colleagues after parental leave was 97.4%, an increase on 2023 (93.6%). NAB monitors this rate and supports colleagues to return to work.
    • Cultural and religious leave which provides up to three working days of paid leave each year for colleagues to celebrate or observe important cultural or religious events and traditions.
    • Platinum sponsorship of the Asian Leadership Project’s 2024 Asian Leadership Summit.

    NAB’s colleague-led Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) support the improvement of our colleagues' experiences, foster inclusion and build community. NAB has five ERGs: Cultural Inc, First Nations Walking Together, NABility, Gender Equity and NAB Pride who work together to build inclusion for all NAB colleagues and their unique identities. Visit Inclusion and diversity and NAB for more information.

    In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act), on 27 May 2024, NAB lodged its annual public report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency). You can find more information in the following reports:

    Public Questionnaire (PDF, 301KB), opens in new window

    Workforce Profile Corporate group – Public Report (PDF, 209KB), opens in new window

    Workforce Statistics Corporate group – Public Report (PDF, 320KB), opens in new window

    We’ve also met the minimum standards in relation to specified gender equality indicators, as set out in the Workplace Gender Equality (Minimum Standards) Instrument 2014.

    If you need these documents in an alternative format, just email Diversity.& – we’re happy to help.

    We continue to drive gender equity at NAB, and although we still have work to do, we have received external recognition for our efforts by being included in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index.

    Inclusion for First Nations Australians

    This year, NAB has strengthened our commitment to First Nations inclusion by fostering a more supportive, respectful workplace. Through cultural immersion, leadership development, and meaningful community partnerships, we’ve worked to elevate First Nations voices, with a focus on ongoing inclusion and growth. 2024 initiatives include:

    • 99.85% of Australian colleagues successfully completing NAB’s First Nations Cultural e-learn, after it was refreshed and included as mandatory learning in 2023.
    • Hosting a First Nations Forum under the theme “Voices of Our People: Empowering Growth.” The forum’s objective was to nurture development within NAB by amplifying diverse perspectives and fostering both personal and professional growth for First Nations colleagues.
    • Continued support for employment pathways at all levels for First Nations Australians, including entry-level positions through the First Nations intern and trainee programs. In the past 12 months 15 intern and 32 trainee positions have been provided.
    • Ongoing 10x10 partnership2 with CareerTrackers to provide steady pathways from the First Nations intern program to NAB’s graduate program. This partnership has been instrumental in building sustainable career pathways for First Nations Australians within NAB.
    • NAB measures the inclusion experience for colleagues who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander annually through the Heartbeat survey. In 2024, the inclusion index score for this cohort was 82, which is 3 points higher than in 20233.

    Anti-harassment and discrimination

    NAB maintains a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, sex- based discrimination and workplace bullying. We strive to fulfil our responsibility to both respond to and prevent harassment of any kind. Following the Respect@Work legislative updates, NAB completed an extensive gap analysis using the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Good Practice Indicators Framework which forms the basis of its prevention and response plan. We have clear outcomes and measures in leadership, culture, training, risk management, support, reporting, monitoring, and evaluation.

    Consultation on the updated ‘Discrimination, Harassment, Workplace Bullying and Victimisation Guidelines’ was conducted with NAB’s National Safety Committee and with all Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) as well as a broader group of First Nations colleagues, with feedback being included in the updated policy. Reporting on sexual harassment and discrimination was presented to all Professional Standards Forums (PSFs), including education on legislative obligations, insights, trends and nature and underlying drivers of sexual harassment and discrimination cases across the business. To support action and 'Tone from the Top', a companion handout for leaders was cascaded to all divisions. 

    The Respect@NAB training module aimed at educating People Leaders about NAB’s legislative obligations and fostering an environment which minimises bullying, harassment, and other inappropriate behaviour. It remains a key resource for leaders. Further tools for upstanders and bystanders were enhanced to upskill colleagues and leaders on how to ‘Speak Up’ in the moment and address incidences of ‘microaggression’. A psychosocial risk working group continues to convene every quarter to identify trends and issues, proactively addressing indicators of sexual harassment and other illegal discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

    We adopt a complainant-sensitive approach to handling complaints, encouraging speaking up, and promptly addressing any concerns regarding unlawful discrimination and bullying, including sexual harassment. We have targeted communication to convey ‘Tone from the Top’ and Conduct and Risk awareness training for all employees, and support for People Leaders dealing with harassment and discrimination concerns. Our guidelines on discrimination and harassment can be found in our Discrimination and harassment guidelines (PDF, 277KB), opens in new window.

    1Percentage of Employees due to return from paid parental leave of >90 days between 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 who have returned and remained working for a period of at least 30 days.

    2A 10x10 partnership with CareerTrackers represents a commitment to an intake of minimum 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interns annually for 10 years.

    3Inclusion scores are from 2023 and 2024 Heartbeat surveys conducted by Glint. The 2024 data reported were Australia based colleagues who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. The 2023 data were globally located colleagues who identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

  • Valuing our customers for who they are

    We are committed to making sure our customers are respected and valued for who they are. We continue to uncover and update legacy systems to add an additional gender marker and salutation options allowing our trans and gender diverse customers the ability to truly reflect how they identify.

    Improving accessibility for our customers

    We want to make banking inclusive for everyone. In 2023, NAB was ranked in the top three organisations on the Australian Disability Network Access and Inclusion Index.

    NAB is a signatory to the Valuable 500, a global movement putting disability inclusion on the business leadership agenda. Through involvement in this global network NAB is building capability and striving for best practice in disability inclusion.

    Inclusive events for our customers

    We participate in a number of customer events that focus on inclusion of all customers. Throughout 2024, we were proud to continue our support of the Pride Cup and Midsumma Festival.

    For information about how NAB supports Indigenous businesses and customers experiencing vulnerability refer to the 2024 Annual Report (PDF, 7MB), opens in new window.

Conflicts of Interest

Summary of National Australia Bank's Policy on conflicts of interest applicable to National Australia Bank Limited and its controlled entities.


The nature and scope of National Australia Bank Group’s (NAB) activities mean NAB will face actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in the normal course of its business activities. These conflicts can give rise to decisions and actions that may be improperly influenced by personal or other motivations, negatively impacting our customers and NAB’s interests.

Conflicts may arise in a range of circumstances, including:

  • NAB’s interests may conflict with those of our customers.
  • The interests of NAB People (our directors, offices, employees, secondees or NAB contract hires) may conflict with those of our customers.
  • The interests of two or more NAB customers conflict.
  • The interests of NAB People conflict with those of NAB.

NAB has implemented policies and procedures to identify, assess, document, and manage conflicts of interest, and is acting to avoid conflicts where they cannot be managed. 

Identification of conflicts of interest

NAB operates a range of business procedures designed to identify conflicts of interest that may require management. NAB’s policies require that where conflicts are identified, they must be documented and appropriately escalated consistent with NAB procedures.

Management of conflicts of interest

NAB’s policies and procedures describe the methods which NAB may use to manage actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. Though it may be sufficient to disclose some conflicts (see the ‘Disclosure’ section, below), most require management using procedures and/or controls, supported by monitoring and supervision. 

These include (but are not limited to) physical, technological, and organisational arrangements to protect customer interests and to manage actual or potential conflicts of interest. 

NAB utilises physical, technological and organisational segregation arrangements to prevent or control the flow of information between NAB People as a means of preventing some conflicts of interest from crystalising.

Some conflicts must be avoided because they cannot be effectively managed, either because they pose an unacceptable risk or because it is required by law or regulation. In those circumstances, NAB may decline to proceed with the proposed service or transaction. 

Capital markets allocation summary (PDF, 199KB), opens in new window


NAB will disclose conflicts where required by law or regulation and utilises disclosure on its own and in combination with other conflict management arrangements. 

When used properly, disclosure can assist to ensure interests are transparent, acting as a counterbalance to conflicts of interest. Accordingly, NAB policies and procedures are designed to ensure that where we disclose conflicts, this is done at an appropriate time (e.g. prior to products and services being provided) and in a way that is clear, appropriately specific, and reasonably prominent.

Further information

Detailed internal NAB policy documents and operating procedures may not be fully represented in the summary description set out above. If you would like further regarding NAB’s conflicts of interest policies and procedures, please get in touch with your usual NAB contact.

Political Contributions Policy

NAB recognises that it has an important role to play in the Australian political process and in the development and promotion of policy.

Since 2016, NAB has not made donations to any political party, Parliamentarian, elected official or candidate for political office. From time to time, NAB representatives may pay to attend political events and business forums hosted by major political parties. Any payments for event attendance received by political parties will be included in the Australian Electoral Commission register.

You can also view the below:

Model Litigant

NAB commits to act as a model litigant and has adopted a Model Litigant Policy. 

We recognise our responsibility to act honestly and fairly in the conduct of litigation and make commitments on the way we will conduct ourselves in the handling of claims and litigation. 

Those commitments include:

  • dealing with claims promptly and not causing unnecessary delay;
  • endeavouring to avoid, prevent and limit the scope of legal proceedings wherever possible;
  • where it is not possible to avoid litigation, facilitating the just resolution of the litigation as quickly, inexpensively and efficiently as possible;
  • not taking advantage of a claimant who lacks the resources to litigate a legitimate claim; and
  • not relying on technical defences unless NAB’s interests would be prejudiced.

It is not limited to particular customer segments nor is it limited to any particular type of claim or litigation.


The Group's internal management is governed by the Company's constitution (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window.

Australian Government Deposit Guarantee

The Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) is an initiative by the Australian Government to provide protection and quick access to your deposits in financial institutions in the unlikely event that one fails.

Further information on the FCS

If you’d like to know more about the FCS there’s information available on the FCS website, opens in new window.

Risk management

Risk is an inherent part of NAB’s business and the effective management of risk is a fundamental enabler of our strategic plan. The strategy for managing risk is to protect customers and enable sustained performance. This is achieved through applying a Risk Management Framework, documented as part of the Risk Management Strategy, which is provided at least annually to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to meet our prudential requirements.

NAB applies a ‘Three Lines of Accountability’ operating model in relation to the management of risk. The overarching principle of the model is that risk management capability must be embedded within the business to be effective. The role of each line of accountability is:

  • First Line – Businesses own risks and obligations, and the controls and mitigation strategies that help manage them.
  • Second Line – A functionally segregated Risk function develops risk management frameworks, defines risk boundaries, provides advice and objective review and challenge regarding the effectiveness of risk management within the first line businesses, and executes specific risk management activities where a functional segregation of duties and/or specific risk capability is required.
  • Third Line – An independent Internal Audit function reporting to the Board monitors the end-to-end effectiveness of risk management and compliance with the Risk Management Framework.

Our material risk definitions

Strategic risk

The risk to earnings, capital, liquidity, funding and/or reputation arising from an inadequate response to changes in the external environment; and risk of failing to properly consider downstream impacts and achieve effective outcomes when executing material change programs.

Credit risk

The risk that a customer will fail to meet their obligations to the Group in accordance with agreed terms. It is a financial risk that the Group consciously elects to take through both the Group’s lending activities (banking book) and markets and trading activities (trading book).

Market risk

The risk of loss from the Group’s trading activities or management of structural balance sheet exposures. Losses can arise from a change in the value of positions in financial instruments, bank assets and liabilities or their hedges due to adverse movements in market prices. This may be due to changes in credit spreads, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, market volatility and commodity and equity prices. Traded market risk can be taken on and managed by the Markets division, while Banking Book market risk (interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk) arise from the management of bank wide non-trading activity and is managed primarily by Group Treasury.

Balance sheet and liquidity risk

The risk of failing to manage and monitor key banking book structural risks such as liquidity risk and capital risk.

Operational risk

The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or external events. This includes legal risk but excludes strategic and reputation risk.

Compliance risk

The risk of failing to understand and comply with relevant laws, regulations, licence conditions, supervisory requirements, self-regulatory industry codes of conduct and voluntary initiatives, as well as internal policies, standards, procedures and frameworks that support sustainability and provide protections, to our customers.

Conduct risk

The risk that any action of an individual or NAB employees will result in unfair outcomes for customers.

Sustainability risk

The risk that Environmental, Social or Governance (ESG) events or conditions negatively impact the risk and return profile, value or reputation of the Group or its customers and suppliers.

The Risk Management Framework describes our strategy for managing risk and the key components. It is underpinned by consideration of the impacts of our business decisions on our customers, our community and our people. As a Group, responding effectively to those material risks with ESG implications is important to maintaining our financial performance, reputation, long-term strategy and vision. The Group has a set of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Principles (PDF, 313KB), opens in new window, which help integrate ESG risk considerations into the Risk Management Framework.

Risk Governance

Risk governance refers to the formal structure used to support risk-based oversight and decision-making across all our operations. This consists of Board, Board committees and executive-level management committees, delegations of authority for decision-making, management structures and related reporting.

The Board provides strategic direction for our business and represents the interests of our shareholders through the creation of sustainable value. This is achieved through a focus on customers, colleagues and the broader community. The Board is supported by its committees in carrying out its responsibilities (Charters are available on The Board Risk & Compliance Committee is delegated oversight of risks and compliance on behalf of the Board.

The Board delegates responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Group’s operations to the Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The Group CEO delegates authority to members of the Executive Leadership Team (consistent with their BEAR accountabilities) and to executive-level risk management committees on risk topics. Executive-level management committees also exist for other topics, including customer, product & remediation matters, and people & culture matters.

The Group CEO oversees enterprise-wide risk management (under delegation from the Board) through the Executive Risk & Compliance Committee and its specialist supporting sub-committees. Each First Line business unit has an executive-level risk management committee that oversight all material risk categories and support the discharge of risk-related BEAR accountabilities for relevant members.

Managing financial crime

Financial crime has a devastating impact on our customers and community. NAB is dedicated to effectively managing financial crime risk and ultimately keeping customers, communities, and the financial system, safe.

Our fight against financial crime includes measures to manage money laundering / terrorism financing, fraud, bribery and corruption, and economic and trade sanctions.

Good corporate governance is a fundamental part of our culture and business practices. Our corporate governance framework and risk management practises are key in the detection and prevention of financial crime. To provide effective governance, the Board and Executive Management Committees receive regular reporting on risks relating to financial crime. Further to this, our executive leadership team have accountability for compliance with our financial crime obligations.

Find out more about our approach to the management of financial crime and how customer due diligence including identity verification helps us to fight against financial crime.


Learn more about the progress we are making to improve our governance, accountability and culture.

Important information