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Equity loan calculator
Evaluate your home’s equity and see how you could make it work for you.
Borrowing calculator
Obtain an estimate of what you could afford to borrow and
compare different home buying scenarios.
Your estimated results
Based on the information you entered above at a variable rate of {{setDoubleFloatDecimal(fields.loan.interestRate)}}% p.a. over {{fields.loan.loanTerm}} years
borrow up to {{results.borrow.borrowAmountFormatted}} ${{results.borrow.borrowAmount}}
Your home buying example
With a {{results.borrow.borrowAmountFormatted}} loan and 20% deposit ({{results.borrow.depositAmount}}) (${{results.borrow.depositAmountFull}}) .
You could look for a property of {{results.borrow.propertyAmount}}. ${{results.borrow.propertyAmountFull}}.
Don't forget setup costs eg. moving, conveyancing, bank (which may include sizeable lenders mortgage fees), stamp duty and government.
To save you time with filling out our online forms, we may pass through some of the information you entered into the calculators. You’ll be able to review and edit this at any time.
For more information about how we collect your information, what we use it for and who we share it with, please view our privacy policy, opens in a new window and privacy notification, opens in a new window.
Compare home buying examples
Compare your example above with new scenarios.
Property price |
Loan amount |
Deposit |
Stamp duty |
Government fees |
Loan repayments |
Your scenario from above |
Property price {{results.compareScenarios.propertyAmount}} |
Loan amount {{results.compareScenarios.borrowAmount}} or 80% |
Deposit {{results.compareScenarios.depositAmount}} or 20% |
Stamp duty ${{results.compareScenarios.stampDutyAmount}} |
Government fees ${{results.compareScenarios.governmentFeeAmount}} |
{{results.repayments.repaymentAmount}} per |
Add another
Scenario 2 |
Property price {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.propertyPrice}} ${{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.propertyPriceFull}} |
Loan amount {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.loanAmount}} ${{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.loanAmountFull}} or {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.loanAmountPercent}}% |
Deposit {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.depositAmount}} ${{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.depositAmountFull}} or {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.depositAmountPercent}}% |
Stamp duty ${{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.stampDutyAmount}} |
Government fees ${{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.governmentFeeAmount}} |
Loan repayments {{results.compareScenarios.secondScenario.repaymentAmount}} per |
Don't forget setup costs eg. moving, conveyancing, bank (which may include sizeable lenders
mortgage fees), stamp duty and government.
Your Home Loan Journey
Step 1
Complete your calculations
Step 1
Apply online for conditional approval – fill out the form as best as you can, it can take around 20 minutes
Step 3
If conditionally approved, find your property and make an offer with confidence
Step 4
Tailor your home loan with a banker and finalise the application towards unconditional approval
Other expenses
Existing other monthly loan repayments
This includes personal, car and hire purchase
Monthly living expenses
This could include: food and groceries, medical and health, housing, utilities and property expenses, rent, education and childcare, insurance, communications and media, transport, recreation and entertainment, clothing and personal care, other.
Home loans
Home loans
This includes investment loans and excludes loans to be refinanced with NAB home loan
Borrowing power calculator
Borrowing power:The loan amount has been calculated based on the information input by you, and information sourced by third parties. This amount may not be the final amount you need to (re) finance your property and is used solely for the purpose of providing you with an indication of the loan amount you may require, the upfront costs you may incur, and the repayments that may be payable if you took out a loan for that amount.
The maximum loan amount is an estimate only, based on the income and expenses entered. It doesn't take into account loan eligibility criteria or your complete financial position. This estimate takes into account stamp duty and registration costs calculated using the relevant government authority websites. It does not take into account any concessions you may be eligible for (such as first home buyers discounts) or any surcharges or additional and duties that may apply given your individual circumstances. We cannot guarantee that these rates are correct, up to date or are the ones which would apply to you. You should confirm the government costs and duties payable with the relevant government authorities.
For the borrowing power calculation, we have used all of the income that you have stated in the calculator to arrive at a borrowing power amount. If you apply for finance with NAB, there may be instances where we do not include all of your income in an application (for example, where the amount of income is not considered consistent (eg. Overtime, commission)). This may impact the actual amount you can borrow.
We have also made a number of assumptions when calculating your borrowing power. Those assumptions affect how reliable the borrowing power amount is. Our main assumptions are set out below.
- Expenses:If the expenses you entered are less than those we think you should have using the "Basic Australian Household Expenses", we will apply the Basic Australian Household Expenses figure. Note: Basic Australian Household Expenses is sourced from the Melbourne Institute (see www.melbourneinstitute.com).
- Interest rate buffers:Interest rate buffers: We include an interest rate buffer in our calculations. This allows us to factor in, to a degree, the effect of interest rate increases when working out how much you may be able to afford. If you go ahead with a NAB home loan, we may apply a higher interest rate buffer, depending on your choice of home loan product.
- Loan term: We have assumed a 30 year loan term.
- Interest rate: For the purposes of our calculation, we assume:
- a variable interest;
- unless you enter another rate, that the interest rate is NAB's standard variable rate;
- the interest rate will not change and will apply for the full 30 year loan term. We do this as we can't predict what rates will do in the future.
- Repayments: Repayments: Repayments are indicative only. When calculating repayments we have had to make a number of assumptions which may affect the accuracy of the amounts shown. They include:
- That the interest rate displayed will not change and will apply for the full 30 year loan term. We do this as we can't predict what rates will do in the future.
- That your annual interest charge is divided equally over 12 monthly payments (in reality, interest is calculated daily and charged monthly which can lead to your interest charge varying between months).
- That interest is charged to the loan account at the same frequency and on the same day as the repayments are made (this may not be the case for your loan).
- That any upfront fees, charges or duties you incur in relation to the loan and/or the property are not loan funded unless you have included them as "additional funds required".
- We have rounded some amounts to the nearest cent when calculating your indicative repayments.
- We will also include a repayment buffer in relation to any repayments you make in relation to any home loan/s you have which are not being refinanced. This allows us to factor in, to some degree, the effect of those repayments going up if interest rates increase.
- We have also assumed that the repayments are principal and interest repayments.
- Set up costs: We have not been able to calculate all the possible set up costs that you may have to pay. Where you have entered information in the home buying scenario table, the calculations include government registration costs and stamp duty on the transfer of land and on one real property mortgage. This doesn't include the registration costs for discharges of mortgage or for additional mortgages.
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Calculate your home loan repayments
Find out your estimated home loan repayments as well as ways to pay off your home loan faster. This is sometimes called the amortisation schedule of your loan. This calculator can also be used to generate a Key Facts Sheet for a NAB product with a principal and interest period.
View assumptions about this calculatorLoan
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Bundle your banking in a convenient package for great discounts &
benefits. Annual fee applies.
Find out more about NAB Choice Package.
Your estimated results
This repayment is an estimated interest only repayment. After the interest only period, your principal and interest repayments will be higher than these repayments.
This repayment is based on an interest rate that applies for an initial period only and will change when the interest rate reverts to the applicable variable rate.
Ready to apply for conditional approval?
To save you time with filling out our online forms, we may pass through some of the information you entered into the calculators. You’ll be able to review and edit this at any time.
For more information about how we collect your information, what we use it for and who we share it with, please view our privacy policy, opens in a new window and privacy notification, opens in a new window.
Pay off your home loan faster
Choose repayment methods or offset account to find out how much interest and time you could save on your home loan.
Total interest payable ${{fields.payOffFaster.results.totalInterestPayable}}
What if interest rates change?
See what your repayments may be if interest rates go up or down.
Your Home Loan Journey
Step 1
Complete your calculations
Step 2
Apply online for conditional approval – fill out the form as best as you can, it can take around 20 minutes
Step 3
If conditionally approved, find your property and make an offer with confidence
Step 4
Tailor your home loan with a banker and finalise the application towards unconditional approval
Loan repayments calculator
The figures provided should be used as an estimate only and are based upon the information you put into the calculator. We have made a number of assumptions when producing the calculations including:
- Fees: We have not taken account of any fees or charges except a $600 application fee. Other bank fees, government fees and package fees may apply.
- Loan term and loan amount: We assume the loan term and loan amount are what you enter into the calculator.
Interest rates: We assume that the rate you select (by selecting a NAB product), or the rate you enter, is the rate that will apply to your loan for the full loan term – even if you choose:
- a variable rate; or
- a fixed rate or interest only rate which, in practice, will only apply for a limited period after which a different rate will apply.
As rates are subject to change, the rate that is current for a product today may not be the rate that actually applies to your loan. -
Interest and repayments: The displayed total interest payable is the interest for the loan term, calculated on the assumed interest rate.
We assume make the following assumptions about repayments:- repayments are made monthly. If you have chosen to view a weekly or fortnightly repayment amount, we have taken the monthly amount, multiplied it by 12 and then divided it by 26 (for a fortnightly amount) or 52 (for a weekly amount). As there are not exactly 26 fortnights, or 52 weeks, in a year, this is not a precise conversion.
- your annual interest charge is divided equally over 12 monthly payments (inpractice, interest is calculated daily and charged monthly which can lead to your interest charge varying between months).
- interest is charged to the loan account at the same frequency and on the same day as the repayments are made (this may not be the case for your loan).
The key fact sheet: If you select a NAB product with a principal and interest repayment period, you can generate a key fact sheet from the information you have entered into the calculator by clicking on the ‘Generate Key Fact Sheets’ button. You cannot get a key fact sheet if you haven’t selected a NAB product or you have selected a NAB product with an interest only period. Some of the assumptions used to generate the the key fact sheet are prescribed by law and may be different to those used by the repayment calculator – as such some of the results may be different.
Let's talk
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We will call you within 1 business day to discuss your home loan needs
Thank you, We have received your details, We will call you within 1 business day to discuss your home loan needs.
Stamp duty calculator
Find out your stamp duty and add your own setup costs.
View assumptions about this calculatorYour estimated results
You may be eligible for additional concessions
NSW (02) 9689 6200 | TAS (03) 6166 4400 |
NT (02) 8999 7406 | VIC 132 161 |
SA (08) 8226 3750 | WA (08) 9262 1400
What is the definition of a new property?
A new property is one that has already been built and is less than 12 months old. An existing property must be more than 12 months old.
Add Other Setup Costs
This could include moving costs, building inspection, pest control, new appliance costs, conveyancing fees, bank fees (which may include a sizeable lenders mortgage fee).
Stamp duty and set up costs calculator
The purpose of this calculator is to assist you in estimating the upfront costs associated with your loan. It should be used solely for the purpose of providing you with an indication of the upfront costs you may incur, so you can include an estimate for these amounts into your savings plan. Stamp duty and registration costs have been calculated using the rates from the relevant government authority websites and do not take into account any concessions you may be eligible for (such as first home buyers discounts) or any surcharges or additional and duties that may apply given your individual circumstances. We cannot guarantee that these rates are correct, up to date or are the ones which would apply to you. You should confirm the government costs and duties payable with the relevant government authorities.
We have made a number of assumptions when producing the calculations. Our main assumptions are set out below:
- Set up costs:
- The calculations only include government registration costs and stamp duty on the transfer of land for the purchase price you enter and on one real property mortgage. The calculations don't include the registration costs for discharges of mortgage or for additional mortgages.
- We have not been able to include all the possible set up costs that you may have to pay such as lenders mortgage insurance, lender's fees, every government fee, conveyancing costs and moving costs as these change based on individual circumstances. However, we have provided space for you to add extra costs where you are aware of them.
- Be aware that you may have additional costs based on your home buying scenario but this calculator should allow you to calculate the main government charges. You should also estimate an amount for lenders mortgage insurance and add this to your budget if you believe it will apply to you.
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Equity loan calculator
Get an idea of how much you may be able to increase your borrowing by, based on the equity in your home and whether you keep or sell it.
View assumptions about this calculatorWhat if you keep?
Based on the information you have entered above your
total equity is
If you keep the property and increase your borrowing to an 80% Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR)
funds could be {{getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfKeep(fields)}} {{formatShortCurrencyAmount(getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfKeep(fields))}}
balance could be {{getNewLoanBalance(fields)}} {{formatShortCurrencyAmount(getNewLoanBalance(fields))}}
rental income is {{getRentalIncomeAmount(fields)}} {{getRentalIncomeAmount(fields, true)}}
What if you sell?
Based on the information you have entered above your
total equity is
Your available funds, based on the information you have entered above, including your estimated property value:
equity is {{getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfSell(fields)}} {{formatShortCurrencyAmount(getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfSell(fields))}}
You could have available funds of {{formatShortCurrencyAmount(getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfSell(fields))}} {{getEstimatedAvailableEquityIfSell(fields)}} after deducting the selling costs .
Equity Loan Calculator
Important: All figures produced by this calculator are indicative only. We've made some assumptions in this calculator – please read them as they affect the figures produced. Those assumptions are:
What you've told us is correct. We use the information (including estimated property value, current loan balance, interest rate, rental income etc) that you input and assume it is correct. Please note: if you apply for a new or increased loan with us, we will separately value your property, and our valuation may be different.
We use monthly figures in this calculator. If you input a weekly, fortnightly or annual amount, we will convert it into an annual amount (if needed), and then into a monthly amount assuming there are exactly 52 weeks, 26 fortnights, and 12 months of equal length in each year. If you ask us to show repayments otherwise than on a monthly basis, we follow the same rule, but in reverse.
"Your new balance could be" is simply 80% of your estimated property value. This is not necessarily the amount we would lend (which could be more or less). The amount we lend takes into account a range of things including what repayments you can afford, your credit information, our valuation of the property and whether Lenders Mortgage Insurance is an option. The accuracy of this figure also affects "Your available equity".
Your monthly repayments are calculated assuming:
- a Principal and Interest loan with the rate and remaining term you have input.
- the rate does not change for that remaining term.
- there are no ongoing fees payable.
- repayments are payable, and interest is charged, monthly and on the same day. To calculate monthly interest, we calculate your annual interest charge and divide it by 12.
Selling costs are a guide only and we assume you will add / amend as relevant. When considering this, please keep in mind:
- We've assumed a selling agent fee of 2.5% of property value you have entered. Learn more about agent fees at the Which Real Estate Agent website.
- We've assumed a $2,500 conveyance fee. Depending on who you use, whether you use a conveyance or lawyer and the complexity of the work, it could cost more or less. For more info about conveyance fees, see the Australian Institute of Conveyancers' website.
- We've assumed a $350 discharge fee. This is based on the fee that NAB charges to discharge a single mortgage. Other lenders may charge differently.
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We will call you within 1 business day to discuss your home loan needs
Thank you, We have received your details, We will call you within 1 business day to discuss your home loan needs.

Home loan selector
Answer three simple questions to find a home loan product suited to you.
I'm looking for a home loan to...
I want to borrow...

Drag the slider left or right to adjust your borrow amount.
Select your amount from the drop down below
Features that are important to me...
Your recommended product
Other suitable products
Your results
Your recommended product
Other suitable products


Ready to start your home buying journey?
Book an appointment with a home loan expert to discuss your options.
Tools, guides and calculators
Whether you're refinancing your current home loan, buying or investing in a new property, we have a variety of tools, calculators and guides to help you buy property with confidence.
What’s your next step?
Increase your home loan with a top-up
Increase your home loan with a top up. We explain how you could use your home loan equity to help fund what’s important to you.
How to redraw from your NAB home loan
You can use NAB Internet Banking or the NAB app to see if redraw is available with your loan and how much you have available to use. If you’re all good to go, you can redraw straight away.
Refinancing your home loan
We’ll explain the reasons and costs to switch your home loan today.
Contact us for home loan related queries
This is how you can get in touch.
Start a conversation with a banker
- Log into either NAB Internet Banking or the NAB app.
- Tap on the message icon.
- Type ‘speak to a person’ in the conversation window.
Call us
Speak to a home loan expert about a new or existing home loan.
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 7:00pm (AEST/AEDT)
Saturday to Sunday, 9:00am to 6:00pm (AEST/AEDT)
Book an appointment
Make an appointment to see us at your nearest branch, ask a mobile banker to come to you or ask us to call you back.
Terms and Conditions
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Comparison rates are based on a secured loan of $150,000 over a term of 25 years
WARNING: This comparison rate applies only to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan.
View our NAB Choice Package Terms and Conditions (PDF, 143KB), opens in new window
When you apply for the NAB Choice Package, you must include in the package a minimum of $150,000 in eligible lending products (which are existing or approved lending).