What is transaction history?

Your internet banking transaction history is a list of the most recent transactions on your account. We recommend you view your transaction history regularly to check for unauthorised transactions or errors.

  • View up to two years (731 days) of transactions.

  • Get enhanced transaction details.

  • Find specific transactions using filters and a search bar.

  • Print your last two years of transaction history.

How to access your transaction history

Use internet banking to access your transaction history quickly, easily and safely.

  1. Log in to NAB Internet Banking with your NAB ID and password.

  2. Open the Accounts menu and select Transaction history.

  3. Choose your account and select Update transactions to view up to 30 days of transactions or choose an alternative date rate for more than 30 days.

  4. Use the search box or select the Filters button to show transactions by type or by amount.

What are ‘enhanced transactions’?

Some transactions have enhanced information to display, which you will see on transaction details page. This information can help you to better keep track of where you’ve spent your money.

Enhanced transaction information is available for:

  • International transactions

  • Merchant payments (using a credit or debit card)

  • Fast payments including those sent to a PayID® or through Osko

  • Credit card fees or interest charges

How to use transaction history

You can use the transaction history function to access up to 731 days of transactions.


    1. Log in to NAB Internet Banking with your NAB ID and password.
    2. Open the Accounts menu and select Transaction history.
    3. Select the table column heading text to sort the data.
    4. Select the Date heading once to sort in ascending order (the earliest date at the top), and twice to re-sort in descending order (the latest date at the top).
    5. Select the Filters button to filter the list of transactions for your chosen account and date range.
    6. Type into the search box to search through your transaction list.


    1. Log in to NAB Internet Banking with your NAB ID and password.
    2. Open the Accounts menu and select Transaction history.
    3. Choose your account and select Update transactions.
    4. Select Print in the top right-hand corner of the window (to the left of the Logout button).
    5. Print the document.
    1. Log in to NAB Internet Banking with your NAB ID and password.
    2. Open the Accounts menu and select Transaction history.
    3. Select the table column heading text to sort the data.
    4. Select the Date heading once to sort in ascending order (the earliest date at the top), and twice to re-sort in descending order (the latest date at the top).
    5. Select the Filters button to filter the list of transactions for your chosen account and date range.
    6. Type into the search box to search through your transaction list.
    7. Select Export to export all or some of your transactions in a spreadsheet, QIF file or PDF.

Common transaction terms explained

The following terms may appear in your transaction history and transaction details within NAB Internet Banking.

Transaction type Descriptions  
ATM direct charge fee (displayed as FEES DIR CHG OTH ATM) The fee directly charged to your NAB account by a non-NAB ATM owner for a balance enquiry or withdrawal at a non-NAB branded ATM.  
Automatic drawing A debit made to your NAB account under a Direct Debit agreement between you and a biller. This can be scheduled for a specific date or cycle when the biller will automatically debit funds from your NAB account for a payment.  
Credit card cash advance Each amount of cash supplied by the use of the credit card account. Cash transactions include cash advances via the ATM or in-branch withdrawals (domestic and overseas). It also includes cash substitute transactions, for example the payment of utility bills over the counter at banks, another financial institution or post office, purchase of traveller's cheques or value loaded in a pre-paid or stored-value card. A cash advance is also made when you have used the NAB Internet or NAB Telephone Banking to transfer available credit from your NAB credit card account to another account.  
Credit card payment Funds which have been credited to your NAB credit card account.  
Credit card purchase Each amount charged for any goods or services purchased (domestic or overseas) by the use of your NAB credit card, including BPAY® transactions.  
Eftpos debit purchase-flexipay or Miscellaneous debit eftpos trans value Purchases made via an EFTPOS machine. This includes purchases of goods and services and also any cash withdrawals that were made at the time of the purchase.  
Family allowance Credits made from a government agency (such as Centrelink) to provide family support.  
Fees account fees A fee charged to your NAB credit card or NAB account in accordance with the terms and conditions of the account.  
Fees duplicate stmnt fee A fee charged to your nominated NAB account when you request a statement re-print/re-order.  
Inter-bank credit - Interbank credit Credits to your NAB account from another person’s account either at NAB or another financial institution via NAB Internet Banking.  
Interest charged For NAB credit card accounts, this is the amount of interest charged on funds owing on eligible purchases and cash advances.
For loan accounts or transaction accounts, this refers to the amount of interest charged on the debit balances.
Internet transfer – Transfer debit internet transfer A transaction which has been debited from your NAB account via NAB Internet Banking. This can be to another NAB account or to another financial institution.  
Overlimit fee A fee charged to your NAB credit card account on the day during any statement period when the balance of the account exceeds the credit limit during that statement period.  
Payment authorisation A recent payment made to your NAB credit card account.  
Purchase authorisation A recent purchase made on your NAB credit card. When a purchase is placed on to the credit card, the system sends an approval to the bank and a hold is placed on the amount of funds required to complete the transaction. This will reduce the amount of credit available on your account. Once the merchant has completely processed the transaction, the purchase authorisation will be removed and the correct description, merchant name and final transaction amount will appear on all electronic banking systems and on any future credit card statements.  
Redraw A withdrawal of funds from your loan account (personal or home loan). Funds will be available for redraw if additional payments have been made to the loan or if you are ahead of your scheduled payment.  
Reference fee (displayed as FEES REFERENCE FEE) A fee charged to your NAB account when a debit (eg purchase, withdrawal or direct debit) results in the account being overdrawn or remains overdrawn and subsequent customer initiated debits are paid.
Note: From 1 October 2009, NAB customers will not be charged a reference fee if they overdraw their personal transaction and savings accounts.
Salary Credits made to your NAB account from your employer. The salary narrative is decided by the depositor (therefore can sometimes appear as wages).  
Stop payment fee A fee charged to your NAB account when a request is made for the bank to stop the payment of a cheque or series of cheques to be drawn from your account.  

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PayID is a registered trademark of NPP Australia Limited.