Why insure through NAB

We partner with Allianz Insurance to cover the things that matter to you most in your home, as well as some of the important belongings you carry with you. Plus save up to 10% on your first year's premium when you quote and buy a new home and/or contents insurance policy online.

You can also call us on 13 29 28 to discuss home and contents insurance.

No claim bonus

You may qualify for up to 30% no claim bonus, if you've had no buildings or contents claims in the past five years , .

Simple quote process

Use our online quote form or simply give us a call to get your quote today.

Quick and easy claims process

Call Allianz Claims to speak with a consultant. Alternatively, you can lodge a claim yourself online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Compare home and contents insurance

Depending on your needs and the type of property you want to insure, you can select either home and contents insurance, or just contents insurance.

These policy overviews are a guide only. For information on the full coverage, exclusion, limits and excesses, read the NAB Home and Contents Insurance Product Disclosure Statement and the NAB Financial Services Guide before applying.

In order to be sure that you are covered under this policy you should always contact us for approval before you incur expenses you wish to claim. If you do not, we will pay for expenses incurred to the amount we would have authorised had you asked us first.

Home and contents insurance overview

Home insurance covers the structure of your house and other buildings or structures on your insured property, including sheds, fences, and in-ground swimming pool.

What’s included

  • The cost of replacing or repairing damage to your home and contents or your sum insured.

  • Damage or loss from fire and weather events such as bushfires, grassfires, storms, cyclones or lightning. For cyclones, grassfires and bushfires, a 72-hour exclusion period applies.

  • Water damage from fixed pipes suddenly bursting.

  • Up to $20 million in legal liability for payment of compensation for injuries to visitors and damage to property which occurred at the insured address.

What’s excluded

  • Inherent or structural defects, faulty design or poor workmanship.

  • Deliberate or criminal acts caused by you or your guests.

  • Wear and tear or lack of maintenance, depreciation or gradual deterioration.

Use these useful calculators to estimate:

Calculators are a guide only

Contents insurance overview

Contents insurance covers the belongings inside your home. This includes things like furniture, electrical appliances, your clothes, and can also cover the important things you carry with you when you leave home.

Renters, and customers who pay body corporate fees for where they live only need contents insurance.

What's included

  • The cost of replacing or repairing damage to your contents or your sum insured.

  • Theft, burglary, vandalism and malicious acts.

  • Renters only need to cover their belongings with contents insurance. 

What’s excluded

  • Inherent or structural defects, faulty design or poor workmanship.

  • Deliberate or criminal acts caused by you or your guests.

  • Wear and tear or lack of maintenance, depreciation or gradual deterioration.

Use these useful calculators to estimate:

Calculators are a guide only

What is home and contents insurance? 

Home insurance helps recover the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home should it be damaged by an insured event such as a bushfire, flood, earthquake or storm, or vandalism . This insurance covers the main structure, permanent fixtures and fittings and other buildings on your property (such as garages, garden sheds or a swimming pool).

Contents insurance helps recover the cost of replacing the things inside your home (such as furniture, jewellery and clothing) if they’re damaged or stolen. 

Why you may need home insurance?

The purpose of home insurance is to provide a level of financial protection against damage or loss caused by insured events. You may also require building insurance at your lenders request as part of the requirements of your home loan. To understand how this may apply to you, consult with your solicitor/conveyancer and/or lender.

Some considerations when selecting home insurance

  • When you take out home insurance, it’s important that the amount you’re insured for accurately reflects the cost to rebuild your property and replace your contents. If you’re insured for less than the replacement value of your home and contents, you might have to pay the difference out of your own pocket. Use our calculators as a guide to find out how much you should be insured for.
  • If you live in a disaster-prone area, check your insurance cover to make sure it covers you in the event of storms, floods and fires.
  • When it's time to renew your policy, check your level of cover and take into account any changes you've made to your property. Make sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement and check for exclusions.
  • If you’ve bought a property under strata title, often the building(s) and common property are covered under the insurance that the Owners Corporation has organised. Always check with your strata body to ensure you’re covered. 

How to apply

Have this information handy before you start your quote and application:

  1. What your contents are worth and how much it would cost to rebuild your home.

  2. Identify high value items you’d like to insure for a nominated amount.

  3. The security measures you have in place, such as window locks, security systems or alarms.

Check the benefits of your policy level

Find out how home and contents insurance compares to contents insurance.

Home and contents

This table is a summary of the benefits of NAB Home and Contents Insurance.

For full coverage, exclusion, limits and excesses information, read the NAB Home and Contents Insurance Product Disclosure Statement and the NAB Financial Services Guide before applying.

Standard benefits

  • Earthquake or tsunami
  • Explosion
  • Fire or smoke
  • Lightning
  • Storm, cyclone or rainwater
  • Flood and/or run-off
  • Vandalism or malicious acts
  • Riot or civil commotion
  • Theft or burglary
  • Water or other liquid damage
  • Impact damage
  • Fixtures (buildings cover)
  • Landscaping (buildings cover)
  • Legal liability

Additional benefits

  • Alternative accommodation for you and your pets
  • Vet costs (contents cover)
  • Debris removal
  • Rebuilding and professional fees (buildings cover)
  • Making your home buildings environmentally friendly (buildings cover)
  • Buildings modifications (buildings cover)
  • Building code compliance costs (buildings cover)
  • Guest, visitor and domestic helper property (contents cover)
  • Moving house (Contents cover)
  • Food or medicine spoilage (contents cover)

Optional cover

  • Accidental damage
  • Motor burnout (included with the Accidental Damage option)
  • Portable contents (contents cover)
  • Domestic Workers’ Compensation cover (Only available in ACT, WA and TAS)


Contact us

Lodge a claim online

You can lodge a claim online via the Allianz online claim form.

Lodge a claim via phone

You can lodge a claim over the phone by calling Allianz's Claims line.

1300 555 013

Contact information

Find contact information and resources for your insurance needs.