Our commitment

We're committed to protecting our customers and the bank by meeting our legal and regulatory requirements in the areas of financial crime and creating a hostile environment for criminal activity. For us this includes:

Our approach, policies and processes

All colleagues at NAB have a role to play in the fight against financial crime risk. Our policies support our colleagues to detect, deter, disrupt, and prevent opportunities for financial crime across the bank to protect our customers, and community.

In NAB, we have dedicated teams that use a range of technologies and investigation techniques to detect and prevent financial crime. Oversight and assurance of our financial crime risk framework is undertaken by specialist assurance teams, governance committees and internal audit. 

Training and education

We provide a range of training and awareness-raising activities to colleagues on NAB’s various financial crime policies and practices. The training covers content relating to money laundering / terrorism financing, fraud, bribery and corruption and economic and trade sanctions.

Education resources, including helpful articles, training, guides and toolkits, are also available for NAB customers to help them better protect themselves from fraud and scams.

Supporting our people when raising concerns

Our core behaviours encourage our colleagues to speak up and have open, honest conversations about issues or conduct that concerns them. Our Group Whistleblower Program complements the normal communication channels that exist for raising concerns, and is designed to encourage and support colleagues to report issues without fear of reprisal.

External commitments

Our external commitments and activities in financial crime prevention include:

  • Adopting and implementing Australian Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) legislative requirements in our policies and procedures.
  • Participating in regulatory changes with the government regulator Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), and industry bodies including the Australian Banking Association (ABA), Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) and Risk Management Association Australia (RMA).
  • Working actively with law enforcement, the financial industry, and support services.
  • Partnering with the Fintel Alliance – a collaboration between public and private sector entities to investigate and disrupt criminal and terrorist activity.
  • Adopting and committing to the Wolfsberg Financial Crime Compliance Questionnaire (NAB) (PDF, 358KB), opens in new window.
  • Maintaining and making publicly available NAB’s Patriot Act Certification, (PDF, 210KB), opens in new window regarding correspondent accounts for Foreign Banks.
  • Participating in the UN Global Compact (UNGC) which includes a commitment to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. See our latest UNGC Communication on Progress, opens in new window.

Important information