Sustainability performance and reporting

Take a detailed look at our performance over the last financial year.

About our annual reporting suite

Our annual reporting suite, published in November 2024, gives an overview of our sustainability performance.

Our 2024 Annual Report (PDF, 7MB), opens in new window provides information on our activities and outlines how we’re creating value through our strategy, operating environment, governance, financial and non-financial activities. It gives our stakeholders the big picture, beyond just the numbers.

Each year we undertake extensive stakeholder engagement with investors, analysts, employees, consumer advocate groups and community groups to ensure our Annual Report is focused on the issues that matter most. We refer to this as our Materiality Review.

Our 2024 Annual Report (PDF, 7MB), opens in new window and 2024 Sustainability Data Pack, opens in new window have been prepared with due consideration to relevant reporting guidelines and frameworks including the IIRC Integrated Reporting Framework and Global Reporting Initiative Standards. They include independent assurance statements from Ernst & Young.

Our 2024 Climate Report (PDF, 6MB), opens in new window has been prepared considering the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and the reporting obligations of our membership of the Net Zero Banking Alliance. Independent assurance of key measures was provided Ernst & Young.

Our Supplementary Climate Disclosures (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window, published in June 2024, provided an update on Customer Transition Plans assessments, environmental finance ambition and four further sector decarbonisation targets in two high-emitting sectors.

EY provides limited assurance for various elements of NAB’s sustainability-related reporting.

Assurance statements are included in NAB’s 2024 Annual Report and 2024 Climate Report.

NAB has received separate assurance statements for the following scopes of work:

Annual reporting archive

Read our previous annual reports for each performance year.


Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)

As a founding signatory of the PRB, NAB seeks to align our business activities to have a positive impact on society. For detail on our progress against the PRB, see our fifth annual Principles for Responsible Banking 2024 self-assessment (PDF, 1MB), opens in new window.

UN Global Compact Communication on Progress

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact (UNGC), we support the 10 principles of the UNGC with respect to human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Annually, NAB submits a Communication on Progress, opens in new window that describes our progress in implementing the ten principles and embedding them across the way we do business.

Equator Principles reports

NAB became a signatory to the Equator Principles in 2007. This committed the Group to a voluntary set of standards for determining, assessing, and managing environmental and social risk in project finance, project finance advisory and project-related corporate loans and bridge loans. A revised Equator Principles version EP4, opens in new window came into effect in 2020.

Read our 2023 Equator Principles Report (PDF, 396KB), opens in new window.

Modern Slavery Statement

NAB Group is subject to both the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). 

We’ve published an annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement since 2016 when the Statement was pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act.

In 2020, we published our first Modern Slavery Statement pursuant to both the Australian and UK Modern Slavery Acts. Read our 2024 Modern Slavery Statement (PDF, 8MB), opens in new window.

Environmental reporting

Find our CDP climate change survey and Climate Active certification reports below.

Climate Active

We prioritise avoidance and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operational Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (excluding financed emissions), we then retire carbon offsets for the emissions that remain. Our Australian operations are certified under the Climate Active Standard for Organisations.

For information on BNZ’s approach, including Toitū certification, see the Environment and climate section, opens in new window of their webpage.

CDP climate change survey

Through our annual CDP submission, we outline our approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation of climate risk. We have been included in the CDP 2023 Climate Change ‘A’ list, recognised as a leader in environmental transparency and performance on climate change. Read our 2023 CDP survey response (PDF, 907KB), opens in new window.

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