Why follow this guide?

  • To learn the steps to make a BPAY payment.
  • To pay bills.
  • To make payments to the main credit card facility (billing).

Steps to make a BPAY® payment

Make sure you’re logged into NAB Connect to get started. 

  1. From the Payments menu, select ‘BPAY’.
  2. Enter the biller code and reference number provided to you by your biller.
  3. Select Save as template if you’d like to save the payment details for future use.
  4. Select Submit. The payment is now ready for authorisation.

Individual payment detail fields guide

  • Frequency: Defaults to ‘One off payment’. If you want to create a recurring payment, select ‘Periodic payment’ from the drop-down list.
  • Value date: Defaults to today’s date. You can type or select a date up to 90 days in advance. 
  • Cycle: Select a payment frequency. Options are quarterly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly.
  • Last payment date: This information determines the date of your last payment. 
  1. Select the ‘Until further notice’ option if you want the payment to be ongoing with no specified end date.
  2. Select the ‘Last payment date’ option and type or select the date.
  3. Specify how many payments you want to make and the system will calculate when the last payment date is (please note this only applies to periodic payment).
  • Account: From the drop-down list, select the account that you want to use to fund the transaction.
  • Biller: You can type three characters and select the Search icon to look up the biller code. Select the ‘Save biller’ checkbox if you want to save this biller. Please note if you have previously saved the biller, you can start typing the biller details in the select biller window or select from the Biller dropdown list. The Biller and Customer reference fields will populate. 
  • Amount: Type the amount to be transferred. 
  • Customer reference number: This number is supplied by the biller and usually appears alongside the biller code on your bills or invoices.

Please note

A delay may occur in processing a BPAY® payment instruction that has been authorised where: 

  • there is a public or bank holiday on the day after the day you have instructed NAB to carry out a BPAY® payment instruction 
  • the payment instructions were authorised either on a day which is not a business day or after the cut-off time for a particular business day 
  • a biller or other financial institution fails to comply with its obligations under the BPAY® scheme. 

Processing delays are usually resolved within one business day.

Related guides

See some of our other guides to help you get the most out of NAB Connect.

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