Why follow this guide?
- To get assistance with moving your existing domestic payees to NAB Connect.
How to migrate your payees
Once logged into NAB Connect follow the steps below.
- From the Services menu select ‘Import payee file’.
- Click on 'Choose file' and a new window will display.
- Select your .CSV file that needs to be uploaded in the required format as below.
- Click on Upload.
Once successful, a summary of the number of payees that you have imported for each payment type will display.
To import a Domestic Payee file into NAB Connect, it must have the correct file format.
See a sample of how to import multiple payees: Import payee file format sample (xlsx, 11KB), opens in new window
Character set
Allowable characters | Example |
Letters | a, b, c ……… A, B, C |
Numbers | 1, 2, 3 … |
Space | |
Plus sign | + |
Minus sign | - |
Full Stop | . |
Apostrophe | ‘ |
Slash | / |
Parentheses | ( and ) |
Colon | : |
Question mark | ? |
Payee file specification
The ‘Field names’ listed below are all required when creating your file.
Position | Field name | Field size | Field description |
A1 | Payees (Beneficiaries) |
50 | Required |
A2 | Must be blank | ||
A3 | Beneficiary name | 50 | Required Valid character set accepted. The name that will become the Beneficiary Name (beneficiary nickname) in NAB Connect. Name must be unique per payee |
B3 | Account name | 35 | Required Valid character set accepted. The Account Name that is used when making payments |
C3 | Account BSB | 7 | Required Can only contain numbers and hyphen. 6 digit BSB or if with hyphen, in format xxx-xxx |
D3 | Account number | 9 | Required Can only contain numbers. For NAB accounts, the account must be 9 digits, and up to 9 digits for accounts at other Banks. |
E3 | Bank name | Leave blank | |
F3 | Payment type | Required
G3 | Reference | 18 | Optional Valid character set accepted. The default Reference applied to any payment for the payee |
Please note:
- If you require the same payee across payment types i.e. for domestic and direct credit, you will need to create a separate payee for each payment type.
- Billers and international payees are not supported.
- Leading zeros might be stripped, ensure correct format is used to accept.
- Payment templates are not supported.
Related guides
See some of our other guides to help you get the most out of NAB Connect.
Access your account summary
Read our step-by-step guide on accessing your account summary in NAB Connect.
Create and set a custom account group
See how to create a custom account group and set a default in NAB Connect.
Add a new service
Use our guide to add a new service in NAB Connect.
Contact us for NAB Connect enquiries
Call us
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm (AEST/AEDT)
Saturday, 9:00am to 2:00pm (AEST/AEDT)
Within Australia: 1300 888 413
Overseas: +61 3 8641 9930
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