Why follow this guide?

  • To get assistance with moving your existing domestic payees to NAB Connect.

How to migrate your payees

Once logged into NAB Connect follow the steps below.

  1. From the Services menu select ‘Import payee file’.
  2. Click on 'Choose file' and a new window will display.
  3. Select your .CSV file that needs to be uploaded in the required format as below.
  4. Click on Upload.

Once successful, a summary of the number of payees that you have imported for each payment type will display.

To import a Domestic Payee file into NAB Connect, it must have the correct file format.

See a sample of how to import multiple payees: Import payee file format sample (xlsx, 11KB), opens in new window

Character set

Allowable characters Example
Letters a, b, c ……… A, B, C
Numbers 1, 2, 3 …
Plus sign +
Minus sign -
Full Stop .
Slash /
Parentheses ( and )
Colon  :
Question mark    ?

Payee file specification

The ‘Field names’ listed below are all required when creating your file.

Position Field name Field size Field description
A1 Payees
50 Required
A2     Must be blank
A3 Beneficiary name 50 Required
Valid character set accepted.
The name that will become the Beneficiary Name (beneficiary nickname) in NAB Connect. Name must be unique per payee
B3 Account name 35 Required
Valid character set accepted.
The Account Name that is used when making payments
C3 Account BSB 7 Required
Can only contain numbers and hyphen.
6 digit BSB or if with hyphen, in format xxx-xxx
D3 Account number 9 Required
Can only contain numbers.
For NAB accounts, the account must be 9 digits, and up to 9 digits for accounts at other Banks.
E3 Bank name   Leave blank
F3 Payment type    


  • Domestic
  • Direct Credit
  • Payroll
  • Executive payroll
G3 Reference 18 Optional
Valid character set accepted.
The default Reference applied to any payment for the payee

Please note:

  • If you require the same payee across payment types i.e. for domestic and direct credit, you will need to create a separate payee for each payment type.
  • Billers and international payees are not supported.
  • Leading zeros might be stripped, ensure correct format is used to accept.
  • Payment templates are not supported.

Related guides

See some of our other guides to help you get the most out of NAB Connect.

Contact us for NAB Connect enquiries

Call us

Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 8:00pm (AEST/AEDT)
Saturday, 9:00am to 2:00pm (AEST/AEDT)

Within Australia: 1300 888 413

Overseas: +61 3 8641 9930

Important information