Why follow this guide?

  • To understand what a Beneficiary advice is.
  • To give you a receipt-like document that you can provide to your beneficiary acknowledging a payment has been processed.

Steps to get a beneficiary advice

Make sure you’re logged into NAB Connect to get started. 

  1. From the Payments menu, select ‘Payment register’.
  2. Search for your international payment using the filters by selecting ‘Processed’ in the Payment status field and ‘International’ in the Payment type field.
  3. Once you’ve located your payment, select the Payment ID link to view the payment.
  4. Select the Payment acknowledgement link in the Payment details section
  5. From the Export dropdown, select ‘Export advice’.
  6. Your beneficiary advice will save to your device as a PDF file.

You can also get Trade refinance advice from Trade Finance Online.

How to extract transaction advices (PDF, 733KB), opens in new window

Please note

  • You can choose to print a beneficiary advice by selecting ‘Print advice’ from the Print dropdown.
  • Beneficiary advices are only available for payments in a ‘Processed’ status.

Related guides

See some of our other guides to help you get the most out of NAB Connect.

Contact us for NAB Connect enquiries

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Within Australia: 1300 888 413

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