What are SWIFT codes and Bank Identifier Codes (BICs)?

A SWIFT code is the international standard used to identify a bank. SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. A SWIFT Code is also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC).

A SWIFT Code/BIC consists of a combination of letters and numbers, either 8 or 11 characters, for example, NATAAU3302S.

It identifies:

  • the bank's name
  • its country
  • the address of the branch.

What are NAB’s SWIFT Codes?

The preferred SWIFT code is NATAAU3303M.

NAB's SWIFT codes for all Australian states

If you're looking for another bank's SWIFT code, you should contact that bank directly. This table shows all NAB SWIFT Codes/BICs for each state and territory.

NAB's SWIFT codes for all Australian states

What is an International Bank Account Number (IBAN)?

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number and is a European standard format for customers’ account numbers. It’s a combination of letters and numbers and the length varies from country to country.

About 40 countries have adopted the IBAN standard, mainly in Europe. Payments to these countries must include an IBAN in the ‘Beneficiary’s Account Number’ or ‘IBAN Number field’.

If sending someone money in one of these countries, ask for their IBAN. Their bank can provide it when asked.

IBAN example

Here’s an example of a United Kingdom IBAN:

GB 19 LOYD 3096 1700 7099 43

In this IBAN

  • GB is the country code.
  • 19 is the check number.
  • LOYD 3096 is the bank.
  • 1700 7099 43 is the sort code and account number.

How to send money overseas

If sending someone money overseas, you’ll need either:

  • their SWIFT Code/BIC, or
  • their bank name, it’s full street address and country.
  • Beneficiary IBAN/Account number
  • The beneficiaries full name and street address

For transfers to some European countries, you should use their IBAN if it is provided to you.

How to receive money from overseas

If you want money to be transferred to your Australian account from a person in another country, you need to give them a NAB SWIFT code along with other details such as your BSB number and account number. You can find your BSB number and account details in the NAB app or NAB Internet banking.

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