Welcome to NAB Messaging

If you have a question, it’s easy to contact us online and get the answers you need with NAB Messaging. You can use our virtual assistant for everyday banking questions 24 hours, 7 days a week or message a banker if you need specialist support or more help during business hours. Save yourself the time from calling us or visiting a branch.

You can access NAB Messaging via:

  • the NAB app
  • NAB Internet Banking
  • our website
  • Apple Messages for Business

Simply click or tap on the red message icon. NAB Messaging works like SMS. If you message us in the NAB app or NAB internet banking, you don’t need to wait by an open screen for a banker to reply to you. If you have notifications enabled in the NAB app, you’ll receive a notification when you have a new message.

Ask our bankers

If your question is account-specific and you need personalised help, it helps if you start a conversation while you’re logged into the NAB app or NAB Internet Banking. This way, our bankers will have your details in front of them as soon as you’re connected. At the moment, our Messaging bankers can only help with personal account enquires. If your question is business related, you’ll need to call us.

Ask our virtual assistant

Our virtual assistant has been trained to answer a range of everyday banking questions. It can provide instant support, so you don’t have to wait for a banker to respond. If you have a complex enquiry that needs human help, our virtual assistant can transfer you to a banker if you’re chatting in NAB Internet Banking or the NAB app.

How to have a conversation with our virtual assistant

Our virtual assistant will find it easier to understand you if your questions are short and simple.

Here are some tips to have a better conversation with our virtual assistant:

  • Only ask one question at a time.
  • Type your question fully before sending it.
  • Avoid including account-specific information in your questions. For example, type ‘How do I view my statement?’ not ‘How do I view my statement for my account ending in 1234?’.
  • Use full words instead of abbreviations. For example, type ‘account’ not ‘acct’.
  • Don’t share sensitive information such as account number, passwords, or other personal details.

How to use NAB Messaging

Learn how to use NAB Messaging no matter the device you’re using, with this helpful guide.

NAB app

Instructions for all mobile devices

  1. Tap the NAB Messaging icon.

  2. Tap Start Conversation.

  3. Type a message then tap Send.

NAB Internet Banking

Instructions for web browsers

  1. Log into NAB Internet Banking with your 8 to 10-digit NAB ID and password.

  2. Select the NAB Messaging icon.

  3. Select Start Conversation.

  4. Type a message then select Send.

Keeping your conversations secure

Your conversations are secure, but you should never share sensitive information such as PINs, log in details or passwords.

Conversations are recorded for training and quality purposes and any personal information you provide will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Notification. Find out how we keep your info safe.

More information

  • Our virtual assistant uses artificial intelligence called natural-language processing to understand your questions and provide an answer that matches keywords.

    Our virtual assistant has been trained based on tens of thousands of real customer interactions. We’re always assessing and improving the accuracy of our virtual assistant and adding more content, so you can expect it to get better all the time.

  • Our virtual assistant is available on most NAB web pages, but not all of them. To start a conversation in the NAB app or in Internet Banking, you need to be logged in first. Note that the virtual assistant is not available on all Internet Banking and NAB app pages.

Terms and Conditions

Apple Messages for Business is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions.