What are smart receipts?
Using the NAB app, simply provide your consent to use the receipts feature, and shop with participating merchants. It’s just the beginning of Smart Receipts, and part of our commitment to helping you manage your finances.
Participating retailers
Participating retailers will automatically send Smart Receipts – a digital version of your tax receipt – to your NAB app.
The following are a few examples of participating retailers:
Features and benefits
Access your Smart Receipts through your NAB app
Don't worry about your receipts fading or being misplaced.
Search and filter
Quickly locate your Smart Receipts when you need them – search and filter by merchant, location or amount.
Share receipts
Share a Smart Receipt with your accountant or merchant at the touch of a button.

Get started with smart receipts
Step 1
Open the NAB app and select Receipts from the More menu.
Step 2
Provide your consent to use the receipts feature.
Step 3
Shop at a participating merchant.
Step 4
Receive a Smart Receipt for each new purchase.
Step 5
Once available under Receipts, you can label, share and/or delete your smart receipt.
9 November 2023
Important: The Receipts feature (Digital Receipts) is accessible to NAB App customers who wish to participate in the Slyp Pty Ltd ACN 613 031 271 (Slyp) Smart Receipts arrangement with participating retailers. The Digital Receipts feature in your NAB App will store Scanned Receipts but is not a storage device for your Smart Receipts. Digital Receipts is not a banking service.
By using Digital Receipts, you accept the below Terms and Conditions, and acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for storing your Smart Receipts for record keeping and tax purposes. If you do not understand something, or have any questions, ask us before you use Digital Receipts.
IMPORTANT: We recommend that you keep original receipts, or copy the Smart Receipts you want to keep before you turn off Smart Receipts. NAB does not store Smart Receipts for you and cannot access them again, even if you turn Smart Receipts back on later.
Digital Receipts
This is the terms and conditions applicable to the Digital Receipts feature in the NAB App.
1. Using Digital Receipts
(a) Digital Receipts includes:
i. Scanned Receipts, a feature that allows you to view from the Receipts menu the photo of a hardcopy receipt that you have previously scanned using the Digital Receipts service; and
ii. Smart Receipts, an integration with a third party Slyp that allows Smart Receipt enabled retailers to send a digital copy of your receipt to you (nab cardholder) through Slyp.
(b) To use Digital Receipts, log into your NAB app and then:
i. to view Scanned Receipts, go to the Receipts menu and access the photo of a hardcopy receipt that you have previously scanned using the Digital Receipts service. NAB will keep the Scanned Receipts for seven years; and
ii. to use Smart Receipts, you must first enrol by tapping "more" and tapping "Receipts" and "Get started". You will be taken through the welcome, terms, and Slyp consent.
(c) If you are an Authorised User of a NAB business customer, you warrant to NAB that you are authorised by the business customer to share data with Slyp and to agree to these terms before you consent to Smart Receipts.
2. Smart Receipt Privacy
(d) By enrolling into Smart Receipts, you consent to:
i. NAB sharing your transaction data with Slyp to allow Smart Receipts to be matched to your account;
ii. NAB sharing some anonymised personal data that can’t be traced to you with Slyp, which includes gender, postcode and age range (e.g. 20 to 30);
iii. Slyp collecting your transaction data from NAB and storing and using this information to:
i. provide integrated Smart Receipts to you via your NAB app;
ii. assist you with your enquiries;
iv. Slyp collecting and using your transaction data and anonymised personal data that can’t be traced to you, which includes gender, postcode and age range (e.g. 20 to 30) and sharing this in an aggregated and de-identified form to participating Slyp Smart Receipt retailers to improve their products and provide industry insights.
(e) Whilst Slyp does not intend to collect sensitive personal information as part of providing Smart Receipts, if sensitive personal information is collected both Slyp and Slyp Smart receipt retailers must remove the sensitive elements from the Smart Receipt.
(f) For details about how Slyp handles personal information see its Privacy Policy, opens in new window.
(g) Whilst NAB does not collect your Smart Receipt information from Slyp, you acknowledge that we may have access to it to provide customer support and to meet applicable legal and regulatory obligations.
(h) You may withdraw your consent to Slyp at any time from your NAB Internet Banking Permissions. Here you can turn off Smart Receipts. This won’t affect your Scanned Receipts that you have already scanned and stored.
(i) After turning off Smart Receipts, Slyp will no longer receive your transaction data and anonymised personal information as described in clause 4 above, however, Slyp may retain and use data already collected in accordance with clause 5 above. You can make a request for Slyp to delete the data that relates to you by calling NAB on 13 22 65.
(j) For more information on how you can request an update to, or make a complaint about NAB’s handling of your information, please see NAB’s Privacy Policy or call 13 22 65.
(k) For more information on how you can make a complaint about Slyp Pty Ltd's handling of your information, please see Slyp's Privacy Policy, opens in new window or email info@slyp.com.au.
3. Smart Receipt Acknowledgements
(l) By using Digital Receipts, you acknowledge and accept that:
i. NAB does not store or make copies of Smart Receipts, and that NAB recommends that you make your own copies of Smart Receipts;
ii. NAB is not the receipt issuer or their agent, and that you must correspond with the retailer for copies of your receipt, or to discuss problems with your receipt or your purchase;
iii. NAB is not liable for any loss resulting from the use of any Smart Receipt goods return feature (except to the extent caused by the fraud, negligence or misconduct of NAB, or of its related entities, contractors or agents). ;
iv. NAB makes no representation that access to receipts will be available for any given time period;
v. NAB may delete images that it reasonably considers are not receipts or are a misuse of the feature, or that may cause NAB to breach the law or its internal policies;
vi. you will only use Digital Receipts for its intended purpose and in a way that complies with the law; and
vii. NAB may terminate access to Digital receipts with 30 days’ notice to you. NAB may also terminate access to Digital receipts without notice and / or delete some or all images if NAB reasonably considers that you are misusing Digital Receipts.
IMPORTANT: NAB does not warrant that the Slyp integration will be available for any period of time, and recommends that you make your own copies of important receipts for tax purposes.
4. NAB’s promise to you
NAB will act reasonably and fairly towards you. That includes whenever NAB is:
a) considering any request you make;
b) deciding whether to give its consent or to exercise a right, discretion or remedy; or
c) setting any conditions for doing any of those things.
It’s worth noting that even if NAB doesn’t make a decision or do something straightaway, NAB may still do so later on. This includes where NAB delays or defers doing so, or temporarily waives a requirement.
Help and support
Read our Smart Receipts help guides to learn more about how to get started and search your receipts on the NAB app.
Other products and services
Digital payments
Find out about our secure and convenient digital payment methods, including digital wallets and wearables.
The NAB app
Manage your banking on the go with our mobile banking app for your smartphone or tablet.
Transaction accounts
Access your money with our everyday bank accounts with no monthly fees.
Terms and Conditions
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By using the digital receipting function, you understand that information you upload may be monitored by us to prevent financial crime, and you agree to us handling your information (including any information you upload as part of a receipt) in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
NAB app
Consider the NAB Internet Banking terms and conditions which apply when using the NAB app, before making any decisions regarding this product. The NAB app is compatible with Android™ and iOS, minimum platform requirements apply. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Product issued by NAB.
NAB uses digital features provided by Slyp Pty Ltd (ABN 19 613 031 271) in its delivery of NAB Digital Receipts.