What is Spending?

Spending is an expense tracking tool in NAB Internet Banking and the NAB app  that helps you to keep track of your expenses and organise your money.

Spending makes it easier to understand where your money is going, which can help you with your budget and saving plan.

View how to track spending transcript

Here’s how Spending can help you

See where your money is going

See a breakdown of your spending by category and merchant, helping you to see where you are spending. You can also see the money you’ve received.

See the bigger picture

Select up to five of your accounts, and a period of up to two years to see a combined and wider view of the money you’ve received and expenses.

Choose how to categorise

Spending automatically categorises your transactions. If you feel another category suits better, you can change categories from the transaction’s details.

Export data

You can export the data from Spending through desktop Internet Banking to make it easier for you to do a more personalised analysis and set up a budget or savings plan.

How to start using Spending

Log into online banking

  1. Log into the NAB app or NAB Internet Banking with your NAB ID and password/passcode.
  2. Select Spending from the Internet Banking menu.
  3. If using the NAB app, tap More (iOS) or the Menu icon (Android) and select Spending.

Customise your view

  1.  Select Change filters from the menu.
  2. Select up to five accounts to track.
  3. Select your date ranges to track. You can choose from a range of options including Pay cycle, Custom date range and more.

Explore your Spending data

  1. You’ll see a categorised view of your money coming in and out of your selected accounts.
  2. Select a specific category to view the transactions included.
  3. Dig into the details to help you budget and save.

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