Reasons to switch to a new card

Over time, your goals and needs may change. So, it’s important to check that the features and benefits of your credit card match what you need right now.

Suitable features

Switch cards if you want the features of a rewards card, or if you no longer need rewards and prefer a simpler option.

Cost savings

Switch cards if you want to reduce your costs by swapping from a rewards card to a low fee or low interest rate card.

Lower credit limit

Switch cards if you no longer want or need your current minimum credit limit and want a card that offers a lower minimum credit limit.

Things you should know before you switch

  • You must be the primary cardholder.

  • You’re unable to switch to a higher credit limit than your current minimum credit limit.

  • Your current card must be in order and not in arrears or over your credit limit.

  • If you have a NAB StraightUp card, you’re unable to switch cards and you’ll need to apply for a new credit card.

  • You won’t be eligible for promotional offers like bonus reward points, promotional balance transfers or cashback.

  • Your current credit card must be open for at least 30 days before switching and you’ll need to wait at least 90 days to request another switch.

What happens after you request a switch

  1. We’ll process your request to switch.

  2. We’ll send you confirmation of your new NAB credit card account.

  3. You can continue to use your existing card until your new card arrives in the mail.

  4. If a new interest rate applies to your new card, it will apply on and from your next statement cycle.

  5. Existing gambling restrictions on your current card will transfer to your new card. 

  6. Your confirmation letter will include a list of recurring payments charged in the previous 90 days.

  7. You’ll have up to 60 days to contact merchants with new card details to continue any authorised recurring payments from your new card.

Not sure where to start?

Here are some tools to help you choose a suitable card for your needs.

How to switch your existing NAB credit card

Message us

The simplest way is to use NAB Messaging on the NAB app or NAB Internet Banking.

  1. Login and tap the NAB Messaging icon.
  2. Tap Start Conversation.
  3. Type a ‘switch my credit card’ then tap Send.

Call us

Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 7:00pm (AEST/AEDT)

Saturday to Sunday, 9:00am to 6:00pm (AEST/AEDT)

Call us using the NAB app or from the following numbers.

Within Australia: 13 22 65

Overseas: +61 3 8641 9083

Visit us

If you prefer, you can speak to us in person at your local NAB branch.

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