Most common

Home loans

Loan repayments calculator

Compare your loan amount with other factors to estimate your loan repayments.

Calculate my loan repayments

Borrowing power calculator

We’ll look at your income and expenses to see how much you may be able to borrow.

Check my borrowing power

Stamp duty calculator

Find out your estimated stamp duty and other government registration fees for your purchase, move and loan.

Estimate my stamp duty costs

Home equity calculator

We can give you an idea of your property’s estimated available equity by weighing up your property value against your home loan balance.

Show me an estimate of my home equity

NAB home loan selector

If you’re not sure about which home loan to apply for, we can help by recommending a few for you.

Show which NAB home loans would suit me

Everyday money

Balance transfer calculator

Bring across your current card balance and see what you can save. Compare NAB to non-NAB credit cards.

Take me to balance transfer calculator

Debt consolidation calculator

Compare your current debt situation with a consolidated NAB Credit Card or NAB Personal Loan.

Show me the consolidate my debts

Personal loan repayment

See your regular repayments and the total interest.

Take me to personal loan repayment calculator

Personal loan borrowing power calculator

We’ll look at your income and expenses to see how much you may be able to borrow.

Take me to personal loan borrowing power calculator

Foreign exchange tool

See our rates for buying or selling AUD, or print a currency converter.

Get me to foreign exchange tool

Budget planner

Take control of your household's monthly income and expenses.

Show me the budget planner

Get in touch

Customer Support Tool

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Contact us

Explore our personal banking contact information and get support with a wide range of products, services and topics.

Visit a NAB branch

Visit us in person at your nearest NAB branch or business banking centre.