How do Foreign Currency Solutions work?

Foreign exchange (FX) transactions typically involve trading one currency for another in the currency market. However, currency markets also provide investors with a range of investment opportunities, catering to different needs.

For instance, forwards and options allow investors to exchange currencies at a predetermined rate in the future and are commonly used for hedging currency risk and taking a view on currency movements.

Investors can also use foreign exchange to increase foreign asset allocation (for example, buying shares in an overseas company) or utilise tailored Foreign Currency Solutions to potentially yield higher returns.

These investments can help manage currency exposure and risk, whilst allowing investors to potentially capitalise on market fluctuations, catering to various financial objectives and risk profiles.

What we offer

We provide a wide range of Foreign Currency Solutions, including spot transactions for straightforward currency exchanges, forwards and foreign currency options.

These solutions can help generate additional yield or hedge against unwanted market volatility. Whether you need to convert currencies, manage risk, or capitalise on market opportunities, we offer the expertise and tools to meet your foreign currency investment needs.


Leveraging foreign currency as part of your investment portfolio can improve your returns by capitalising on the dynamic nature of currency markets.

Highly adaptable

Investing in foreign currencies can be tailored through a range of customisable strategies. This includes currency pair selection attuned to your market view, choice of time horizon and the level of risk you are willing to take.

Enhanced yields

Tailored Foreign Currency Solutions offer strategies designed to boost returns or effectively manage risk in rising (bullish), flat or falling (bearish) currency markets.

Diversify investment portfolio

You can diversify your investment portfolio beyond traditional assets like stocks and bonds. By holding a mix of different currencies, you can spread risk and reduce the impact of adverse movements in a single currency.


Whilst foreign currency investing offers opportunities for profit, it also carries inherent risks. It’s important to understand the risks before investing.

Market risk

Trading currencies involves taking a view on currency movements, which can result in capital losses if predictions are incorrect. For example, foreign currency options derive their value from underlying currencies. Their worth fluctuates with currency pair movements, potentially causing losses if expectations are not met.

Liquidity risk

Generally, currency markets are highly liquid, however some tailored Foreign Currency Solutions, such as dual currency investments (DCIs), must be held until maturity.

Foreign Currency Solutions profile

We will work with you to assist you in choosing a foreign currency solution that aligns with your market outlook and investment goals.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must be a resident in Australia
  • Some Foreign Currency Solutions are only available to wholesale investors for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001
  • Minimum investment amount varies depending on transaction type. For tailored FX solutions the minimum investment amount is $50,000 AUD.

Investment type

  • Spot foreign currency trading
  • Forward and futures contracts and options
  • Dual currency investment (DCI)
  • Currency linked deposit product (CLSD)

Investment horizon

  • Varies depending on product

Return profile

  • Income
  • Capital growth
  • Hedging

To further explore Foreign Currency Solutions, you can contact your investment specialist or call our Investor Desk.

How do Dual Currency Investments (DCIs) work?

DCIs can give you the flexibility to customise the risk and return of your investment. This video provides an overview of DCIs, highlighting key features and risks.

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Information correct as at January 2024.

©2024 NAB Private Wealth is a division of National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686. ©2024 JBWere Limited ABN 68 137 978 360 AFSL No. 341162. ©2024 WealthHub Securities Limited ABN 83 089 718 249 AFSL 230704.