New tenants

If you’re a property manager, you’ll need to advise new tenants who sign up with your agency about the Tenant Portal. You can follow these instructions.

  1. Create a Payer Reference Number (PRN) for your tenant in NAB Connect.
  2. Allocate the PRN to your tenant’s profile in your property management software.
  3. Provide your tenant with their PRN, NAB Portal Pay Tenant Fact Sheet and Direct Debit Service agreement (DDR-SA).

New tenants will be able to register for the Tenant Portal and schedule one-off or recurring payments. When reconciling your trust account, you’ll see each payment individually on your account statement and the Enhanced Statement File.

The Enhanced Statement File can be uploaded to your property management software the same way as your banking file.

Existing tenants

To advise your existing tenants of the Tenant Portal, you can follow these instructions.

  1. If you have existing reference numbers or bank identifiers, you may upload and register them with NAB as PRNs. Existing reference numbers or bank identifiers must satisfy NAB’s PRN rules to successfully be uploaded (for example, by using numbers only). Contact NAB Portal Pay Support for criteria and uploading reference numbers. You will be provided with a list of reference numbers that were uploaded successfully.
  2. Where the existing reference number is successfully registered as a PRN, you will simply need to provide your tenant with their PRN, NAB Portal Pay Tenant Fact Sheet and Direct Debit Service agreement (DDR-SA).
  3. Where the existing reference number or bank identifier is unable to be uploaded and registered as a PRN, you can follow the instructions for a new tenant.

Existing tenants will be able to register for the Tenant Portal and make their payments. When completing reconciliation, you will see each payment individually on the trust account statement and the Enhanced Statement File.

The Enhanced Statement File can be uploaded to your property management software the same way as your banking file.

Related guides

See some of our other guides to help you get the most out of NAB Portal Pay.

Get in touch

Call NAB Portal Pay Support

You can call us during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm AEST
  • Saturday 10am to 3pm AEST

Email NAB Portal Pay

You can reach out to us via email and we will respond as soon as possible. 

Speak to your banker

Find out how NAB Portal Pay can help your real estate business.

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